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Family Resources

 Nurses & Healthcare

Student health requirements, school nurse information, and physical examination and immunization requirements by grade.

 Parenting Resources

Various materials, information, and support services to assist and engage in your children's education and school-related activities.


Learning management system to create, manage, and share assignments and resources.

 School Resources

Student handbook and a range other of materials/tools, facilities.

 Social & Emotional Wellness

Visit and learn more about the Social Work team available within Central School. While our services are focused on students, we welcome connecting with parents and offering suggestions for community resources.

A pair of hands holding up a house with a heart on it

 Homeless Student Services

The McKinney-Vento Homeless Education Assistance Act ensures the educational rights and protections of homeless children and youth so that they may enroll in school, attend regularly, and be successful.

 Glencoe PTO

See a list of school supplies broken up by each grade level.

 Social Work Corner

Social work counseling is offered to students who are struggling with social or emotional issues that may be interfering with academic success. Any Central School student is eligible for social work services.

 School Supply Lists

See a list of school supplies broken up by each grade level.

 See Something, Say Something

Parents, teachers, and students are encouraged to seek help if they see someone in need or something that doesn’t feel right within the schools and community.

 Report a Student Absence

Please report student absences with this form before 9:15 AM.